There are many types of arthritis. The most common is osteoarthritis or degenerative arthritis or, quite simply, wear and tear arthritis. Patients take chelation as it appears to break down some of the abnormal calcium deposits and joint reconstructive therapy aka Prolotherapy to help strengthen the supporting ligaments, but equally important is the nutritional support to the joints and bones. …
Chelation Safety
The most common question I get asked is whether it is safe. Typically, a patient asks their family Doctor whether it is safe and he says absolutely not. It will kill your kidneys. Unfortunately your Physician is not only misguided but also out of date. In the 1950s when this drug first started being used in vascular disease, people were …
High-Dose Intravenous Vitamin C: A Tribute to Fred Klenner
Many of you who come to the clinic to take chelation treatments, but some of you take Klenner Bottles. In this article, I would like talk about where that name came from and how we use them in our practice, as well as how we combine them with other therapies. Origin of the Name The late Frederick Klenner, M.D., was a …
Cholesterol – Friend or Foe
When talking about heart disease and its causes, we always focus on cholesterol as the main causative agent. Traditional medicine practitioners – cardiologists especially – focus their entire lives on lowering serum cholesterol. But are they misguided? What are the facts? The fact is that cholesterol has a very important role in the body, namely that of the final antioxidant. …
Mercury, Autism, Childhood Immunizations, & APOE
There has long been a controversy between proponents and opponents of immunizations and their possible connection to autism. The baby shots are preserved with thimerosal or diethyl mercury. If the child cannot detoxify the mercury, the brain short-circuits, so to speak, and autism can develop. Babies now get upwards of 10-12 immunizations, each with a dose or mercury. To better …
Estrogen: Which Type is Best?
This topic has been visited many times in The Happy Apple but there is a lot happening in the field of female hormonal therapy. There are two common question asked and I will try to address them here. First is, which type of estrogen should I take? The type I am on makes me bloat and my breasts swell. The …
Oral Chelation: More Fantasy Than Fact
It seems that I have to address this issue about every four to five years, and since I am getting questions from patients indicating that they want to take oral chelation like their friends, I thought I should address it again. I especially want to address it after a patient brought me an article on oral chelation product that quoted …
Reflex Sympathetics Dystrophy & Hyperbaric Oxygen
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy is an unusual malady that follows trauma or surgery. While rare, there appears to be a lot of cases undiagnosed. A patient breaks a leg or has surgery on a limb; then for some unknown reason, during the healing process, the sensory and motor nerves become entangled with autonomic nerves (i.e., neves that control involuntary responses such …
Everything you wanted to know about the Thyroid Free T-3, Free T-4, and TSH Many of our patients go to their family doctor to check their thyroid and they do a TSH and think that is adequate. The purpose of this article is to help you understand why we do Free T-3’sand Free T-4s. To understand this, we must examine how the thyroid …
Vitamins & Supplements
Why must I take oral supplements? I am continually asked that question, so occasionally I have to act as your “conscience” and remind you that chelation and supplements are like urban renewal. Chelation breaks down and supplements help rebuild. The vitamins are broken down into three categories of Basic Maintenance Vitamins, thehe Minerals, and the Specialized Supplements. BASIC MAINTENANCE VITAMINS …